Sending Free SMS Text Messages from the Internet to Mobile Phones

Text Messages are fast becoming the most popular means of short message communication. Often far cheaper than a comparable mobile phone call on most mobile phone networks the SMS service offers a convenient and fast alternative to making a phone call.

Depending on which Mobile Phone (or cell phone) network you use, the cost of sending a SMS Text Message can vary from being included free in your monthly contract, to a few cents per message.

In the UK text messages can cost as much as 12p per text. Like the U.S some monthly contract phone deals can include text messages as part of the contract, others will charge a pro-rata amount depending on the network and the monthly line rental.

The most popular users of Mobile Phones and Text Messaging are teenagers, who account for a large precentage of mobile phone users and this age group alone, send millions of text messages everyday to all mobile phone networks, all over the world.

Since most Teenagers are not old enough to sign binding contracts with Mobile Phone Networks and Mobile Phone retailers, they often prefer to use Pay As You Go networks (PAYG), this system is also the method of choice for parents, who see PAYG as a method to monitoring their childrens' mobile phone usage, and so pre-paying for the phones usage as they use it, avoids the shock of an unexpected large mobile phone bill!.

Very few PAYG networks include the use of SMS Text Messaging for free, and so these become chargeable. Since this age group are also the senders of the most text messages, it's a ctach 22 situation with most of the mobile phone credit getting used up in text messages to friends!.

A viable alternative is to send free text messages using the internet, thus keeping the cost of sending text messages to the minimum and allowing more of the Mobile Phone Credit to be used for making calls.

Some Free Text Providers require the user to register to use their service, and this often concerns internet users that their information may be used for marketing purposes, or forwarded to third parties. Whilst most Free Text providers have a strict no spam privacy policy and will not share this information, there are always a few who will casually add their users onto mailing lists, and so it is wise to read privacy policies before registering with any website.

Some free text providers also include a mobile phone network comparator. This allows the user to search for the best current mobile phone network deal based on their existing monthly call charges and text message usage. This system is ideal to finding out how to save money on their current mobile phone tariff.

This article may be used on blogs, forums and websites provided the article is not modified and the credit below is included along with the active website link.

Send international SMS text messages for Free, without registering using the free sms text portal at

The site also includes a Free UK mobile phone network comparison checker which is updated in real time and allows you to search for the best mobile phone tariff based on your existing monthly usage.