Mobilephones Update

New technology is omnipresent. The ongoing technology revolution is rapidly changing the cultural and social landscape of the world. Thirty years ago, choices were simpler. Take the example of cameras .35 mm cameras came in three basic models, specialized cameras like the Nikon "F" & F2, The Canon F1, and the Pentax LX, amateur level cameras like the Pentax Spotmatic, the Nikkormat "FT" series, and the Minolta SRT models, and finally the compact cameras that are called Point & Shoots today.

During the last thirty years camera technology has changed dramatically and digital cameras [digi cams] have essentially replaced traditional 35mm film cameras in popularity. Features like auto exposure, auto focus, auto flash, and program modes have made taking pictures simpler and provided photographers with options that people ever dreamed were possible.

One of the best things about digital photography is that you can see your picture right away. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can download, systematize, alter, and share all of your digital photos. Digital photography is used not only to take amusing pictures, but also by people in a lot of important professions: scientists, police, health care, lawyers, educators, and many others. Though this sounds easy, it has taken more than 150 years of dynamic technological change to bring the digital camera to its current status. It was only several years ago that Casio made the "QV-10" digital camera public. It offered a maximum resolution of only 320 x 240 pixels, had internal memory only (no memory cards) and did not have a built-in flash. Image quality was quite bad, but it did offer one of the first color LCD screens on a consumer digital camera at the time. But the price was a whopping $500.00! Still, a number of these units were sold. Kodak also offered a couple of models in the $1,000.00 range, as Sony introduced one of the first floppy disk "Mavica" camera , and Epson came out with the first "PhotoPC" for under $500.00. A year or so later, the first 1 to 1.3 mega pixel models were being introduced at the same price point, and this time, Olympus began to lead in terms of image quality and camera features. Sony was not far behind, with Kodak and Nikon picking speed. Casio and Epson seemed to have trailed during this early stage, keeping models few, though later on each would begin to crank out higher spec cameras.

Digital Cameras lets us see things we have never seen before. One of the biggest digital cameras, the Hubble Telescope has sent digital images from deep space since 1990. One image even showed a planet outside our solar system! But it’s not just the big stuff that digital cameras help us see. It also lets us see the minutest things like microscopic particles.
Explore the various options about how you could use digital photography. Would it be to take pictures of your baby once a week to chart its growth? Or would it be to start a science project? Digital photography lets you experience photos like never before.

When buying a digital camera, a few things should be kept in mind- Match mega pixels in accordance with use, look for rechargeable batteries and charger, get at least 3x optical zoom, consider investing in a memory card and try the camera before you buy it.

The best way to buy digital cameras is from online stores rather than the traditional mortar and brick shops. Here you will get a wide range of cameras for the lowest prices from the best stores around the world. Sites such as Mobile Phone Shop,,,, etc offer great value for money.

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Sending Free SMS Text Messages from the Internet to Mobile Phones

Text Messages are fast becoming the most popular means of short message communication. Often far cheaper than a comparable mobile phone call on most mobile phone networks the SMS service offers a convenient and fast alternative to making a phone call.

Depending on which Mobile Phone (or cell phone) network you use, the cost of sending a SMS Text Message can vary from being included free in your monthly contract, to a few cents per message.

In the UK text messages can cost as much as 12p per text. Like the U.S some monthly contract phone deals can include text messages as part of the contract, others will charge a pro-rata amount depending on the network and the monthly line rental.

The most popular users of Mobile Phones and Text Messaging are teenagers, who account for a large precentage of mobile phone users and this age group alone, send millions of text messages everyday to all mobile phone networks, all over the world.

Since most Teenagers are not old enough to sign binding contracts with Mobile Phone Networks and Mobile Phone retailers, they often prefer to use Pay As You Go networks (PAYG), this system is also the method of choice for parents, who see PAYG as a method to monitoring their childrens' mobile phone usage, and so pre-paying for the phones usage as they use it, avoids the shock of an unexpected large mobile phone bill!.

Very few PAYG networks include the use of SMS Text Messaging for free, and so these become chargeable. Since this age group are also the senders of the most text messages, it's a ctach 22 situation with most of the mobile phone credit getting used up in text messages to friends!.

A viable alternative is to send free text messages using the internet, thus keeping the cost of sending text messages to the minimum and allowing more of the Mobile Phone Credit to be used for making calls.

Some Free Text Providers require the user to register to use their service, and this often concerns internet users that their information may be used for marketing purposes, or forwarded to third parties. Whilst most Free Text providers have a strict no spam privacy policy and will not share this information, there are always a few who will casually add their users onto mailing lists, and so it is wise to read privacy policies before registering with any website.

Some free text providers also include a mobile phone network comparator. This allows the user to search for the best current mobile phone network deal based on their existing monthly call charges and text message usage. This system is ideal to finding out how to save money on their current mobile phone tariff.

This article may be used on blogs, forums and websites provided the article is not modified and the credit below is included along with the active website link.

Send international SMS text messages for Free, without registering using the free sms text portal at

The site also includes a Free UK mobile phone network comparison checker which is updated in real time and allows you to search for the best mobile phone tariff based on your existing monthly usage.


There are very few people in this world who posses the kind of social graces intrinsic to the characters in an Austen novel. Some would argue the children of the “information revolution” lack social propriety altogether. Despite the rumours that etiquette is dead, many of us do manage to exercise a little common courtesy toward our fellow man. After all etiquette exists simply to make the whole society caper a little less confrontational. The introduction of wireless communication has taken social interaction to an unprecedented level. Mobile technology allows people to communicate regardless of time or location, giving rise to a raft of contemporary etiquette concerns. Foremost among these concerns is consideration for the sensibilities of those in our physical presence when we take a call. Is it impolite, for example, to conduct a phone conversation whilst engaged in a carnal act? The contemporary socialite must also extend courtesy to the absent caller. Is it offensive to conduct a telephone conversation whilst using the toilet? This article offers guidance to the bewildered and brutish.

1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that cell phones must be switched off in the theatre. There is absolutely no excuse. Offenders shall be tarred and feathered. Obviously, this also applies to the cinema, the symphony and spoken word and performance art. Rock concerts and hip-hop shows are generally considered exempt, however, a punter with his fingers in his ears screaming “Huh? huh? huh?” into his cell is a frightful sight.

2. When piloting an automobile, use a hands-free device or resist answering incoming calls. Not only is it dangerous to talk and drive, it is illegal in many countries. Care should be taken not to incite road rage in other motorists. Furthermore, chatting vacuously on your cell while mounting the footpath will pique pedestrians.

3. Conducting loud cell phone conversations on public transport should be avoided at all costs. To believe that other commuters ought to be interested in your conversation is narcissistic at best, to subject travelers to your confabulation is an indulgence. Moreover, as one clever blogger puts it, there is a special circle of Hell reserved for people who, upon buying a new phone, cycle through every available tone on the bus or train on the way home.

4. When in the company of others, neither take nor make telephone calls. Nothing is more irksome than being spurned by a friend whose frequent cell phone conversations take precedence over live tete-a-tete. Answering an incoming call in an interview or business meeting is a faux-pas that is to be avoided at all costs.

To observe basic cell phone etiquette is neither difficult nor inconvenient. Technology such as cell phones create many possibilities for the advancement of society; society is founded upon mutual regard for one another. Always refer to the fundamental principle of good manners: treat others as you yourself wish to be treated. As for holding a cell phone conversation on the toilet...ignorance is bliss.

Emily Sims has published several articles on ringtone culture, and mobile content related issues. Emily contributes to a weblog, The Foovely Files, which she hopes someone, somewhere is reading.


A taxi driver in Singapore recently drove his taxi headfirst into a rather deluxe condominium swimming pool! At the subsequent court case the driver was fully exonerated from any blame on the grounds that it was raining heavily at the time of the incident and (would you believe it?) that no barriers were in place around the pool. If anybody was to ponder over this scenario it would not be hard to conjure up a few chinks and cracks in the stories armor. Well, swimming pools do not normally reside directly in front of condominium entrances as those living there tend not to favor passerby’s peering in! Oh, and who would design it such that drunken residents, returning home from a night on the town, are faced with an assault course before being allowed to their apartment and to bed? I would also question the lack of lighting around the driveway, the speed that the taxi was taking and his knowledge of the area. But going no further; the driver was so obviously doing what millions of other people are doing right now – he was concentrating away on his cell phone, weaving and ducking around plant pots and over grass verges and was not able to fully apply himself to staying on the driveway! A point to back-up this reasoning is that Singaporean taxi-drivers always ring the customers upon arrival at the pick-up point. So this driver was without doubt struggling to call his future passengers to come down, whilst paying little attention to the large sign that said “swimming pool ahead”!

Mobile Phone usage by drivers on the move has increased world-wide. Many officials, governments, safety bodies, other drivers and pedestrians are becoming seriously worried about this modern phenomenon. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the USA conducted a survey and came up with some startling and very shocking data! The results showed that 1.2 million people or 8% of drivers in the States were using handheld or hands free cell phones during daylight hours in 2004; a 50% increase since 2002 and a 100% rise in four years. Mr. Ray Tyson, a spokesperson for NHTSA shared his views with us: while we don’t have hard evidence that there’s been an increase in the number of crashes, we know that talking on the phone can degrade driver performance”. Thanks Ray for the enlightenment but why did you restrict the survey to daylight hours only, do you expect mobile phone wielding drivers to always tell the truth and why don’t you have any hard evidence? Ray clearly reduced his statement to casual observation status rather than committing himself or the NHTSA by shouting out loudly to the world that the situation was reaching disastrous proportions ………..etc!

Over in Japan recent statistics shine another bad light on the situation. The Japanese Police produced some hard evidence (maybe they should contact RAY) of 1140 car accidents that occurred in Japan during a three month period in 1996! All of these accidents occurred due to drivers being distracted by their mobile phones in one way or another. In fact the police went a little bit further: 9 people died of these accidents! 45% of these accidents happened while drivers attempted to answer their ringing phones. 28% while drivers tried to combine driving with dialing, 18% while the drivers were talking and the remaining 11% due to other causes like scrambling under the seat to retrieve a dropped phone having just swerved out of the path of an oncoming camper van on cruise control!

Oh! And heading back to the Americas some objective Scientific Research from some body in Toronto shows that the risk of being involved in a traffic accident increases fourfold if a mobile phone is used whilst driving! Thanks for that, maybe these scientists were spent some time with Ray!

Zooming across the Atlantic, over the Middle East, China and to Taiwan! A country that manufactures and has its hand in the production of many electronic devices currently being used in the world today! As a pedestrian crossing any road in Taiwan is similar to putting ones head in the mouth of a lion, it is a dangerous event that most achieve by closing ones eyes and with a rapidly beating heart just taking the plunge – crossing the road that is! Recently this style of heart racing adventure has just gotten a little bit better: drivers manically wielding cell phones have dramatically increased the heart in mouth adventure of trying to get to the other side! It is still similar to putting ones head into a lion’s mouth, but a lion that has only just finished chomping to death its keeper, that is being prodded by a child with a stick between the bars and has been forced to listen to a mobile phone users checking out is new ring tones!

There has never been a co-coordinated system of traffic flow in Taiwan; a total lack of respect for traffic lights and pedestrians exist and weaving drivers on betel nut (a chewy nut that causes hyper activity when chewed and drowsiness in-between chomps) just adds to the general fun! Most pedestrians hug walls and sneak along with eyes working overtime as potentially hazardous drivers are logged and tracked by a well-developed brain radar system brought on by a desire for survival. Only last week a bus zoomed by with a cargo of terrified children peering helplessly and desperately out of the windows; the driver was happily conversing on his mobile whilst weaving an unstoppable course through various red lights at well over the moral speed limit! Another recent incident which in retrospect is quite hilarious was when two moped drivers approached each other across an intersection. Their speeds were not great and the whole scenario played out as if in slow motion; each was concentrating on their respective conversations, each was weaving drunkenly forwards in fits and starts and as if pre-ordained they collided head on. A tangled heap resulted but without serious injury or damage. But what is even more hilarious is that both individuals picked themselves up, brushed themselves off and without acknowledging each other or scrambling to shift blame they both reached around for the cell phones. And without pause they continued their conversations – why let a mere traffic accident get in the way of a call? Who knows, maybe they were talking to each before they crashed and afterwards were busy obtaining each others insurance details – all over the phone!

Even worse than being a pedestrian these days is to find oneself sitting in the back of a taxi with driver who feels the urge to converse not with you but with his mobile! Suddenly from being a normal driver who bores his passengers to tears with stories of his economic plight or Liverpool’s recent football score, emerges a maniac of WW11 convoy evasion tactical ability! The driver suddenly decides that any action of the foot on the gas peddle must be immediately followed by one on the brake and passengers find themselves alternately with their heads embedded into the seat in front or their bodies lying twisted and mangled against the rear window! From a driver, who although was naturally aggressive in his driving managed with skill to avoid others, emerges a monster. A massive monster who will play head on “who will brake first” games with a speeding tank, who will assume that spaces the size of a shopping trolley will mysteriously expand if he gets enough speed up and who considers that all other drivers are mere figments of his imagination!

Indeed the mobile phone driving syndrome situation is far worse than authorities, governments, Ray, the Japanese Police and the bored or underpaid scientist’s state. This maybe due to the fact that most of the above mentioned bodies and groups tend to use their very own mobile phones whilst driving to work every day so ……….can’t make too much noise now can they!

One country is stepping up its efforts to clamp down on this new menace! The UK! As of 2005 drivers caught using mobile phones will be immediately fined 60 pounds and have three penalty points on their driving licenses! In fact Ms Janet Anderson, MP for Rose and Darwin ( a couple of houses in England connected by a single lane dirt track) clapped her hands in delight upon receiving a report that hands-free kits (once heralded as a safe alternative) were nearly as dangerous as actual hand-held phones! She went on a bit further to say that, “it must be made crystal clear to drivers who insist on behaving in this way that they endanger the safety of the public generally and their own safety too”! Yippee!

Still in the UK - recent tests at the Transport Research Laboratory have shown that drivers on mobiles have a slower reaction time and stopping time than those under the influence of alcohol! It does not really take a team of highly paid scientists and many pounds later to figure that one out: it is blatantly obvious that a driver under the influence will be applying every ounce of his available concentration on his driving, albeit slightly misguided, whilst a driver on his mobile will not be concentrating at all! But the findings of this year long study did place in writing some much needed data and statistics that can now be used and wielded by those trying to clamp down on the menace! At last some hard evidence!

Hopefully the future will change people’s attitudes regarding mobile phone usage! Hopefully normal people will not feel the urge to be in contact 24/7, will not suffer withdrawal symptoms should they be disconnected for a nanosecond and be able to not answer a ringing phone – in fact it would be superb if people could actually switch mobile phones off sometimes!

But this is way, way, way into the future! As far away as us conversing with aliens from the planet “zong” in the “xzihngty” galaxy about them trying to eat us for breakfast! In the meantime it will be up to governments and the introduction of new laws to clamp down on the menace and thus make drivers think twice before answering or making calls whilst on the move!

Maybe the answer is not to punish drivers through penalty points on their license or the threat of paltry monetary fines:

“You have been found guilty by this court of talking on a cell phone whilst driving. You will from this day forth not be allowed to own, borrow, use or even look at a mobile phone, PDF or portable communication device for a period of ten years. Additionally you will complete three months of community service upon completion of which you will attend counseling in “how to survive on this planet without being in constant touch”. Upon completion of this course you will then attend a four week course titled, “how to use a phone that is connected to a land line”. Take him away boys!

The only crisis left to solve would then be to clamp down on those drivers who insist on doing a full make-over in the rear-view mirror whilst doing 60MPH through a built up area! To put a halt to business men who assume that drivers’ seats are wonderful places to shave, rinse and swallow! To convince short sighted people that, “cleaning ones specs” by removing them and whilst navigating a hair bend in icy conditions is not really sensible. Oh, and that various forms of sexual attention might be pleasurable at the time but not when subsequently wrapped around a lamppost or underneath an HGV still doing 60MPH down the freeway!

When these drivers have had their shaving kits and make up bags confiscated and are safely tucked away behind bars then it might be safe for the average pedestrian to step foot outside once again and with confidence, without fear of being mowed down by cars driven by self-engrossed and selfish drivers who assume that the conversation they are currently having is more important than life!

About The Author

Ieuan Dolby - Author and Webmaster of Seamania. As a Chief Engineer in the Merchant Navy he has sailed the world for fifteen years. Now living in Taiwan he writes about cultures across the globe and life as he sees it.


Mobile phones have definitely become the most vital part of our lives. It is hard to imagine life without mobile phones. They are now inexpensive, easy to use, comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature you desire. Even if you don’t require the latest features, you can at least get a basic mobile phone to make and receive calls. From children to middle aged to senior citizens, mobile phones have become a craze as well as a way of staying ahead with the technology. With our fast lifestyles, we have no time to meet our loved ones and are left with the only option of talking over the phone.

Here comes the need of mobile phones, which allow us to stay connected wherever we are and whenever we need to. Mobile phones are also known as lifesavers as they can help people in emergencies. For example if you get stuck in the middle of the road and find no one for help, you can just use a mobile phone and call for help. Parents can keep a track of their children’s whereabouts. Whatever may be said against mobile phones, their advantages have always scored over their disadvantages. They have proved useful for every purpose be it business or home. Nothing is as comfortable as a mobile phone for communicating over a distance. You cannot be present at the same time at more than one place, but if required you can just make use of your mobile phone and get your work done.

Some people consider it as a distraction while driving. One of the solutions to this is to avoid the use of mobile phones while driving or use a handsfree. You can even switch it off when you don’t feel like talking. Mobile phones can save your incredible amount of time to make important decisions quicker and to stay in touch with people. People are not only using mobile phones for talking but also using their great features like ringtones, games, wallpapers, screensavers. Ringtones and games have established their great presence in the mobile industry.

Ringtones are given so much importance that users consider it as a fun way to personalise their phones and make it even more special and amusing. With the built in camera feature, you can take pictures, store them and there are loads of other things, you can do with your mobile phone. So, if you’re interested in getting the latest mobile accessories in the market, get online today.

Mobile phone manufacturers are producing a wide range of mobile phones so that the customers may find an appropriate one with the features and design they are looking for. Today, a technologically advanced mobile phone can perform as many tasks as that of a personal computer. Even remote countries have started having mobile phone services.


UK mobile phones directory


Sometimes cellular service gets a bit confusing when it comes to choosing the right wireless plan. Did you know pre paid and pay as you go cell phone plans are totally different cellular plan options? Did you know there are pre pay cell phone plans very similar to post paid? Knowing the difference can save you money on your cell phone bill.

Many times people confuse pre paid cell phone plans with pay as you go cellular service. The big difference here is pre paid cellular plans usually have a monthly bill and include such luxuries as free nights and weekends and free mobile to mobile, yet it's a set spending limit. Pay as you go only allows you to use minutes you pay for in advance.

Benefits of pre paid cell phone plans are that anyone can take advantage of the service. There is no credit check, and you can make good use of the free calling features and unlimited minutes. The drawback to pre paid is you won't be able to go over your monthly minutes, else you'll lose all service until the next billing cycle.

Going with a pay as you go cellular plan has its advantages in the fact that you only pay for minutes you use. For people who need a cell phone for mostly emergencies and won't be using the cell phone to make many calls, pay as you go is the best option. There is no monthly fee, but there may be a set amount of time when you'll need to refill minutes.

Unlike pre paid or pay as you go cell phone plans, post paid cellular service usually involves a one to two year contract, and you'll need to have good credit to avoid a sometimes very hefty deposit. Advantages to post paid are numerous, including free cell phones, insane amounts of anytime minutes additional family lines and more.

Is pre paid cell phone service cheaper than post paid cellular plans? Time to think outside the box. Forget about the cent per minute rate. Forget about free nights and weekends, and forget about free mobile to mobile minutes. Do you have a good credit rating? Ask yourself how much you'll be using the cell phone service on a daily basis.

For those rarely using the cell phone, you'll benefit from pay as you go since in many cases you'll only need to add around 20 dollars every three months or so. Pre pay is great if you need to have the security of being able to make or receive a call only when you need it, and don't want to rely on a pay phone being nearby as with calling cards.

Moderate to occasionally extensive cell phone usage warrants a good pre paid cell phone plan. If you sometimes need to make calls during peak hours but can wait until the off hours to gab, you could save around 10 to 20 dollars a month by using a pre paid cell phone plan. Why pay extra for something you may not use or can limit?

For the excessive conversationalist, there is not going to be anything cheaper than a good post paid cell phone plan. Many times even if you go over your monthly spending limit, the charge for calls can be minimal depending on your cellular carrier. Always check for roaming fee's and additional long distance charges when selecting a cellular carrier.

There you have it. No one cell phone plan can really be any cheaper than the other in general. What really matters is how you'll use the service and what your calling habits are. Pay as you go for moderate, pre paid for moderate to extensive, and of course post paid for excessive, if you have good credit. Happy cell phone shopping!

Daymon Hoag is the Editor for Cheapest Service and provisioner of quality Cell Phones


Designed for simplicity and convenience, the Samsung E900 mobile phone is sure to cater to your every day needs. The phone is powered by a 2 MegaPixel camera with flash and video recording and features a 2.0” 240x320 262K Color TFT display, comes with 80MB memory by default. The phone also supports MP3 / AAC / ACC+ / AAC+(e) / WM playback. The micro SD slot has been provided to expand the storage capacity.

The main features of Samsung E900 includes Stylish slider phone with multimedia features, Tri-band GSM/EDGE, QVGA 262k Color Display, 80MB Memory expandable through microSD, Music player, Bluetooth, USB, Video Recording, Messaging, etc. The touch-sensitive control pad and an intuitive dual interface automatically distinguishes music mode from talking mode.

Weighing 93 grams, the Samsung E900 is fully loaded with mind-boggling features. The phone has a broad memory o f 82 MB and integrates technologies like EDGE, GPRS, Bluetooth, along with a battery life of up to 220 hrs on standby and 3hrs 30 min on talk time!

The refined and stylish design and the elegant look of Samsung E900 is very impressive. It features an innovative touch key for quick and easy control. The control pad impeccably compliments the Samsung E900’s intuitive dual interface. You can share the captured images with your friends through MMS as well as with Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth allows the phone to communicate with other Bluetooth devices such as headsets, digital cameras and laptops without any wires and up to 10m away.

Have the freedom of downloading interactive, pulsating games and applications store them in the handset. Fitted with a 60-minute recording capacity, you can capture more of nature's brilliance or life's experiences.

samsung e900 is one of the good mobile phones offered by Mobile Phone Shop UK.

For more information about mobile phones contact us =>mobile phones


One of the things that most impacts people’s productivity is not being able to focus on completing one task at a time – we are so overloaded with tasks and interruptions that it requires great discipline to avoid spending the entire day responding to other people’s agendas. Telephone calls, both making and receiving them, are one of the greatest disruptions to the flow of the day and to our ability to concentrate on the task at hand. And the use of mobile phones, while a great asset to our business and personal lives, requires a whole new set of communication skills as well as business and social etiquette. By managing how and when we make and receive calls we can not only make better use of our time but make a better impression on the person at the other end of the line, too.

Outgoing Calls

Make a time. Allocate a specific time or times to make your outgoing calls, including return calls to people who have left messages for you. This way you won’t disrupt yourself mid-task to make a call you just remembered you need to make – simply make a note of it and call during the allocated times. You’ll also be better able to focus on the conversation and the needs of the person you are calling when you are focused on the call, rather than trying to fit it in while you’re concentrating on something else.

Think before you speak. Think about the call before you make it – know the reasons why you are calling and what you want to come out of the conversation. Also, think about the timing from the point of view of the person you are calling – consider whether you are calling them at a time when you know they’ll be trying to get out the door, or when they’re likely to be busiest in their own business, and schedule your calls at appropriate times.

Clear your desk. Clear everything from your desk that does not relate to the person you are calling to avoid becoming distracted or tempted to do two things at once. Make sure you have any previous correspondence or materials that you’ll need to refer to on hand.

Identify yourself. Unless you are absolutely certain that the person answering your call will know who you are and where you are from, identify yourself clearly at the beginning of the conversation. If you are contacting the person for the first time it can also be useful to give them a context – it will save both of you any embarrassment and allow the person you are calling to focus on what it is you are saying, rather than wondering who you are, for example: “Good morning Simone, this is Neen James from Neen James Communications calling; you might recall we met at Jennifer’s book launch last week?”

When you say ‘this is’ before stating your name it alerts your caller that you are about to say your name which makes it easier for them to take note, especially if they don’t know you. Take the time to enunciate clearly – there’s nothing worse than when someone speaks too quickly or mumbles and you have to ask again, ‘Sorry, who’s speaking?’

Is this a good time? Another essential phone call opener is to enquire whether you are calling at a convenient time. Many people will answer the phone at even the most inconvenient times, which usually results in their feeling annoyed at you! So ask: “Good morning Simone, this is Neen James from Neen James Communications calling; you might recall we met at Jennifer’s book launch last week? I thought I’d give you a call to further discuss that project we were talking about – is now a convenient time for you?”

Leave a detailed message. If you don’t get through to the person you are calling, leave a detailed message – whether by voicemail or with the person who does answer the phone. Make sure you include the time and date you called, a brief mention of what you are calling about and how and when they can contact you. If you are going to be difficult to catch or have scheduled some time during which you won’t be taking phone calls yourself, by leaving a contact time you can avoid a frustrating game of ‘phone tag’.

Incoming Calls

Answer? Decide whether to answer the call or to let it go through to voicemail. This is not about avoiding people but about ensuring that you don’t answer a call (if you don’t have to) when you know you’re not able to give your full attention to the caller. If you’re in the middle of something and you don’t wish to be interrupted, it’s more polite to allow the caller to leave you a message and make a return call when the timing is better.

Introduce yourself. Answer the call by introducing yourself clearly: "Good morning, Neen James Communicaitons, this is Neen James speaking", this identifies you and your business to your caller.

Pay attention. If you’ve decided to answer the call, and then decided to carry on with the conversation rather than asking to return the call at a more convenient time – do your caller the courtesy of paying attention. Disinterest or lack of attention can very easily be heard in your voice – as can the typing that you continue to do while making all the right ‘aha’ sounds and the shuffling of paper at your desk. Stop what you are doing and pay attention, or tell the caller you’ll call back later if it’s not a convenient time.

Relax. Speak as though the caller is sitting across the table from you and speak in your usual face-to-face conversational style, rather than in a special ‘telephone voice’.

Smile. It is a proven fact that a smile can be ‘heard’ on the other end of the phone. Your callers will appreciate your friendly approach.

Stand up. Especially if it’s an important call or one you are nervous about, stand up. When you do, it allows more air to circulate through your lungs, your voice will sound more relaxed and maintain an even tone which can also give you an ‘air of authority’.

Keep it short. You’d be surprised how much time is wasted on the phone. There’s nothing wrong with politely managing the conversation, get straight to the point, for example: "Hi Bob, what can I do for you today?"

Thanks for calling. Always end by thanking your caller for calling.

Mobile calls

Leave a message. Provide message bank for your callers. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to contact someone who does not have the courtesy to provide the facility to leave a message when they are unavailable. In your recorded message let callers know when they can expect to hear from you, for example: "Please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours". Taylor make your messages according to your travel plans or holidays to notify callers when you will be returning.

If you call a mobile phone are diverted to message bank – leave a message. The person you are trying to reach may only be available to check their messages and return calls at a certain time, if you don’t leave a message they won’t be able to call or SMS you and you’ll become frustrated at not being able to contact them.

Clear your messages. Clear your message bank regularly and make return calls or send SMSs to people who have left messages for you within an appropriate period of time.

Turn if off. There must be a lot of people who don’t realise that mobile phones have ‘off’ buttons! Switching off your mobile at certain times is a demonstration of courtesy and respect for the people you are with or the place you are in. In meetings and seminars, at meals, in church, at the theatre, movies or other public places – turn it off. Your callers will be able to leave you a message and you can return the call at a more appropriate time.

Do it in the lift. Get into the habit of turning your phone to silent mode or switching off your phone in the lift on your way to a meeting, and switching it back on to check your messages in the lift on the way out of the meeting. This simple ritual will save you the embarrassment of your phone ringing during an important meeting. If you are expecting a call that you absolutely must take, explain that you are waiting for the call and may need to be excused when it comes through. Switch your phone to silent and discretely exit the room to take the call when it comes.

Keep it short. Many people are uncomfortable with lengthy mobile phone conversations for a number of reasons – health, privacy and cost among them – so keep it short and to the point.

Can you talk right now? If you are making the call, acknowledge that the person you are calling could be with other people, on the bus, train or driving, or somewhere where they can’t hear you properly or speak loudly – always ask: "Can you talk right now?" before launching into your conversation.

Consider the time. Be considerate about time and, unless there is good reason, don’t contact people on their mobile number outside of business hours.

Who else is there? If you answer a call while you’re in your car, let the caller know you’re driving. If you are on speakerphone and there’s a passenger with you, let your caller know who’s with you to avoid any embarrassing situations and ensure confidentiality.

First things first. Always be professional and considerate. If you decide to take calls when you are with other people, excuse yourself and leave the room but remember the people you are with may feel less important than your caller. Use message bank, silent mode or just switch it off until you are available again.

Hang up and lock up. We’ve all heard horror stories of mobile phones not properly hung up or keypads not locked and the last number called being accidentally dialed – the person inadvertently called is privy to your conversation without you being aware that they are on the line. Ensure your phone is hung up properly and use the keypad lock facility to avoid potential disasters!

Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy – and where they focus their attention – Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at


It’s a sad commentary on the way of the world today, when you stop to think about the fact that people will go out of their way to avoid radiation exposure – such as in the case of x-ray technicians who shield themselves within a protective booth or by donning lead aprons – and, yet, those same people will walk around, day after day, with a cell phone attached to their ears without concern. Cell phones, cellular phones, mobile phones, wireless them what you will – without proper precautions, they can still pose a significant threat to those who use them.

SAR Absorption

The CTIA – or, Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association – has defined SAR (specific absorption rate) as “a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency energy that is absorbed by the body”. In plain English, SAR indicates the amount of radiation that your body is being directly exposed to through the use of devices such as cell phones. Every time you use a cell phone, you’re holding a machine to your head that sends electromagnetic waves directly to your brain. These waves, which are the equivalent of microwave energy, are transmitted to the brain through cell phone antennas and – depending upon how close that receptor is to your head, as much as 60% of that radiation is absorbed. So much so, in fact, that they can penetrate 1 ฝ” into the actual brain. That was the bad news...even worse is that many models exceed that limit. In effect, you’re slow-cooking your brain in the very same way that a microwave oven cooks dinner on a busy day.

Through various studies, evidence has indicated that there’s been a significant increase in brain tumor occurrences among cell phone users. In addition, researchers have also discovered that the impact of cell phone frequencies (which cause the brain to be bombarded by radiation or microwave energy) also appears to cause genetic damage within human blood. It’s believed that the auto-immune system is negatively impacted, as well. The potential for long-term adverse affects, then, is astounding and may include diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Children and Cell Phone Safety

If all of that concerns you – as well it should – then think, for a moment, about how many children are using these phones on a regular basis. You’d be hard-pressed in today’s society to find a child or teen who doesn’t, at some point in the day, have one pressed to their ear. The odds of developing something devastating are even more likely, since their skulls are thinner and their brains are still in the process of growing. Between that and the fact that, due to their age, the number of cumulative years in which they’d receive exposure to the harmful radiation that’s associated with these phones will be greater than those of an older generation, it’s a frightening prospect, indeed.

Although it’s certainly a great convenience to be able to carry a portable phone around in your purse or pocket, and has – in some cases – helped to save the life of someone in jeopardy by enabling folks to dial 911 without having to search for a nearby phone, it’s not an even trade-off and children should never use such devices, except in an emergency. One of the biggest problems that parents may face today is that, since cell phones are convenient – and popular among young people – keeping their children cell-phone-free may be next to impossible. Whether it’s necessary to have youngsters stay in communication with family members when they’re away from home or simply to use in the event of an emergency, many parents feel forced into providing them for their kids and don’t give much thought to the possible dangers that their children may be exposed to, as a result.

Reducing the Risks

Cell phone safety must be made more of a priority by adults and children alike. Until such time when the dangers that are intrinsic to these types of devices have been nullified, there are certain steps that can – and should – be taken by those who find it necessary to use phones such as these.

  • Only use a cell or mobile phone when necessary
  • Limit the length of your conversations when utilizing a cell phone

  • Invest in a hands-free set-up so that the phone’s antenna isn’t near your head

  • Purchase a cell phone with an external aerial

  • Research the SAR for the unit that you’re thinking of purchasing

  • Invest in a SAR Shield for your cell phone

Protecting Yourself with a SAR Shield

With a history of reducing radio frequency radiation by up to 89%, the SAR Shield offers significant protection against the damaging effects that are experienced by those who use cell phones on a regular basis. This attachment operates using the same principle as the technology used for the U. S. Air Force’s Stealth Aircraft, which makes it invisible to radar systems. Due to its winged design, the SAR Shield is able to conform to any size cell phone. In the case of an external antenna, simply bend it around the antenna and you’ll be protected from most of the harmful radiation waves for the lifetime of the phone. For those which house an internal receiver, the SAR Shield attaches directly to the phone’s hard outer shell. For the best results, this should be attached on the upper portion of the cell phone’s structure, so that it doesn’t interfere with any other attachments, such as belt clips. For more information on how to purchase a SAR Shield, visit

It’s All About Choices

It stands to reason that people would prefer to keep a cell phone handy, whether for the purposes of emergency access or just to remain in touch with those who may need to reach them when a “land line” is unavailable. That being the case, the next best thing would be to exercise as much caution as possible when using a cell phone, including the willingness to invest in any device that might help to reduce the amount of radiation absorption in order to practice cell phone safety – for both you and your children. So, if you’re determined to use that cell phone, consider purchasing a SAR Shield...and breathe just a bit easier when the phone rings.

About the Author

Samantha Goode is a freelance technology writer who loves to provide tips to consumers shopping for cellular phone reviews, comparison of cell phones and new cell phones.


Understanding how your cellular minutes work is one of the most confusing and least understood aspects of any wireless communications plan. It's not surprising that this lack of understanding is what leads to shockingly high phone bill surprises. So if you want to prevent getting one it's important to have a basic understanding of how they work.

You basic cell phone plans come with a monthly allotment of anytime minutes, and usually free or night and/or weekend minutes. When you make a call the thing to understand is the phone company is going to use the most expensive minutes first. For example let's say your plan has 200 minutes per month. During the first week of the month all of your calls are made during the day using what are known as peak minutes. You make 120 minutes worth of calls. For the remainder of the month you make 200 minutes worth of calls but they are all at night during the time when your carrier offers free calling. You've used 320 minutes worth of calling time for the month. However to your wireless provider you used 200 of your anytime minutes, and they gave you 120 minutes of free night time calling.

Many people make the assumption they only used 120 minutes of calling time and have 80 minutes left unused, which is incorrect. This incorrect assumption can compound itself if the customers has a rollover plan and assumes 80 minutes are “going into the bank”. For this calling period however there will be no overage charges.

Lets look at another example. During the first three weeks of the month you make 200 minutes worth of calls at night during the free calling period. The the last week in the month you make 120 minutes of calls during the day or peak hours. You made 320 minutes worth of calls but the 200 were at night and were free and the 120 is less than the 200 so there will be no overage charges right? Well if you thought like that you'll be pretty surprised with the overage charges that came on your next bill. Your wireless provider used your 200 anytime minutes during the first three weeks when you were calling at night. So when you made the 120 minutes of calls the last week of the month they were all peak overage minutes. Overage minutes are always billed at higher cost than regular minutes which makes the problem worse.

The key point to understand is the wireless provider is always going to use the most expensive minutes first. In fact it's impossible to use “free night and weekend minutes” until you have gone through all of your anytime minutes first. Understanding exactly how your wireless minutes work can help you plan out how to avoid overage charges at the end of the month

ฉ Copyright, All Rights Reserved.

Josephine Mills publishes telecommunications articles on where she
discusses a wide variety of topics related to Cell Phones and other wireless communication subjects.


Network service providers use many technological options to provide you services. Some of the popular options are global system for mobile communications (GSM), code division multiple access (CDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA) and integrated digital enhanced network (iDEN). The GSM technology is the most advanced among them and currently around 70 per cent of mobile users in the world are hooked to it.

SIM free phones refer to GSM phones which are available without a connection or line. SIM free phones are never locked by a particular network service provider. You can buy any handset available under the SIM free phone banner and use SIM card of any service provider. Tri-band SIM Free phones work on any GSM network service in the world, but you must insert a SIM with a compatible frequency that operates in the area you want to use your phone.

Sim free phones are somewhat different from contract mobile phones and pay-as-you-go phones. Sim free mobile phones offer greater flexibility to mobile users as they are not confined to a particular network. As per the user’s needs and budget, he can switch into any of the network service provider. Sim free mobile phones are particularly useful for users who are into frequent traveling. Such people need to take any SIM card available in that country and can start making calls.

In the United Kingdom, many mobile phone manufacturers are launching Sim free mobile phones to cater to the growing market of SIM free mobile phone users. The market is flooded with SIM free mobile phones and is selling like hot cakes due to their many advantages and the flexibility it offers to customers.

Isn’t a SIM free phone a boon in the mobile domain? Ultimately, the choice is yours…

Sim Free Mobile Phones

Choose your Sim Free Phones from a wide range of mobile phones from nokia, Lg, Samsung, Motorola and Sony Ericsson mobile phones.


If you're looking for the latest in wireless headphones for your enjoyment and private listening, whether to TV, stereo, home entertainment such as theater, iTunes or Ipod, you might do well to look at the highly recommended Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones.

These state of the art wireless headphones provide an advanced communication via FM radio frequency. The result is clear sound with no background noise or static and nearly 500 feet of free movement. The headphones have terrific surround sound effects and weigh less than ten ounces. They are ergonomically designed to provide hours of comfort.

The features of the Sennheiser RS130 wireless headphones include a base station for the headphones that is attractive and stores the headphones whre they are not in use and also charges the batteries. Batteries are NiMH type, and their single charge keeps them going for 22 hours of your listening enjoyment. The wireless headphones base station has a 900 MHz high performance transmission, also wireless, that delivers a playback that is very impressive in its high fidelity capability. Its transmitters use Sennheiser's customized system of intelligent automated tuning. This seeks and then chooses the best of three channels from base to headset that are available for delivery of sound to the wireless headphones.

A music professional and online consumer music advocate reviewed the Sennheiser wireless headphones. He noted the worldwide acclaim of all Sennheiser audio products as well as its firm's state of the art designs and manufacture. He said that the Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones lived up to the Sennheiser quality reputation by delivering a high performance sound, as well as top notch value and ergonomically designed comfort.

He said that he tested the Sennheiser wireless headphones both inside and outside, in conjunction with his speaker system - a ZVOX 315 - and his iPod.
The ZVOX 315, by the way, is a surround sound single box speaker system that uses a single cable to connect to an mp3, an iPos, portable music instrument or equipment, or a computer, TV, CD player, DVD, satellite or clock radio, game console or any other device that has a jack for headphones or an audio output of some sort.

He also used his iTunes from his laptop. What he found was that the Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones gave him unparalleled listening without any disruptive noise. His recommendation was that anyone who was looking for a set of wireless headphones for less than $200 to be used with their iPod, their iTunes, their TV, stereo, or home theater, didn't need to look anywhere else. Wireless Head Phones to use.


Wi-Fi generation loves mobile more than anything else in its collection of gadgets. There is solid reasoning for this love. Modern life style demands your presence at different places at the same time. You can be in your office but your wife may need you at home or you are attending a boring lecture but your friend wants to take you on a long drive. What will enable people to have contact with you? Definitely it is your mobile phone which enables them to contact with you whenever and wherever.

Mobile is no longer restricted to talking only; it can entertain you whenever you are feeling bore. It can serve the function of your MP3 player and don’t forget accessing internet is also possible with advanced mobile phones. The world of web is always in your fist if your mobile phone consists of feature like internet accessing. What a lovely sunset was that which you had seen few weeks back, memories are still alive but can’t share your experience with those who were not with you at the spot. You wish you would have had your camera with you so that you can share those wonderful images with your friends. Camera, you may not prefer to carry every time with you but in-built camera of your mobile is a different thing. Mobile comes with camera so that from next time you will not miss preserving your sweet and spicy memories.

Store and play movie clip whenever you like, with high sound quality and better picture resolution. Transfer those favourite songs from your PC to cell phone because blue tooth technology and data cable come with almost all advanced mobile phone. Modern mobile handsets come with storage capacity upto 256MB and it is further extendable. All these facilities and many more you get on the go. This is why we are called Wi-Fi.

Features are different with every make and model of mobile phone. Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, Alcatel, Sagem, Mitsubishi, Simens and Panasonic are the big names in the field of mobile manufacturing. Each of them comes with numerous models of mobile phones. Though they advertise for their individual products but how can you compare features and prices of products of various companies? Searching for a mobile set which contains all features you like is a tiresome job.

Online mobile phone shop can solve all these problems. Here you will get all popular handsets and other accessories related with mobiles easily; you can compare features and prices of different brands and models. Moreover, you will get these facilities on the click of mouse sitting at home, at office or anywhere else. Your shopping for mobile is at your convenience and you can get great opportunity to bargain at the best. At online mobile you can also purchase simfree mobile, mobile accessories, ring tones, mobile chargers at cheaper rate.

Gregory Gibson is associated with MobilePhoneShopUK. He holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and communication from IIT, Kharagpur. To know more about Online mobile shops, Simfree mobiles, Mobile online shop, Mobile accessory, Online mobile phone shop, Contract Mobile Phones, Mobile Phone Insurance in UK please visit


Everybody wants the hottest and cheapest mobile phone. When you think of buying a mobile phone, it looks easy but when you actually go online or to a store, you might find it difficult.

You would find a number of mobile phones from the basic ones to feature rich and stylish ones. But you should look for the one having a good blend of design, features and performance. Look for features that might be important to you. Do some research online so that you get an overview of the different choices available? You can compare prices, view designs, look at the various deals offered by different network providers, all this you can do online.

Ask yourself what features do you prefer and what qualities are important to you. Do you prefer flat mobile phones or those with a flip or sliding ones? Are you looking for slim phones or size doesn’t bother you at all?

Mobile phones come with a lot of features and they keep on advancing each month or year. The features could be Internet access on the move or camera feature. Make sure you select the features very carefully because you would eventually be paying for it. The most advanced mobile phone would obviously cost you much more than a basic one.

Manufacturers of mobile phones have done an extensive research to find out what is important for you. First decide why you need a mobile phone and then think about where you would use your mobile phone. The carrier or the network provider is also important to consider. After all, what is the use of a mobile phone if you can’t get a good service?

So, find out which carrier in your area has the widest service and the best rate plan. Ask people about their experiences with mobile phones and which brand or which model they are using and are they satisfied with the services or not. Choose a company offering many month-to-month plans rather than a company with mostly annual plans.

Today, mobile phones have become as widespread as an entertainment and communication device that everyone needs it for basic use or reading emails, taking pictures, etc. The best thing about mobile phones is that you can use them when you need them, opening our lines of communication considerably. The fact remains that mobile phones are here to stay.

Mobile Phone Shopping


You recently purchased a mobile phone that you were dreaming of for a long time. But unfortunately your most recent valuable possession fell and got crushed under the speeding car. Had it been insured you might not have felt the loss. Now that you have decided to buy another one, make it sure that it has been adequately secured through mobile insurance.

An insurance cover will provide you protection against any loss or damage to your mobile phone. In case of loss you will get fully indemnified depending upon the extent of your insurance cover. Many low cost mobile phone insurance policies are being offered by the mobile insurance companies in UK. You must compare different mobile insurance quotes to get cheap mobile phone insurance.

Your mobile may be fully insured or the risk may be limited to the extent the insurance policy covers it. Different types of clauses in the insurance policy cover your mobile against different mishappenings. Depending upon your mobile insurance policy, it may or may not cover your mobile for any specific occurrence like water damage. So, you must choose an insurance policy that meets your requirements best.

We aim to simplify our customer’s task by presenting a well-researched list of mobile insurance offers that are one of the best in terms of price, cover and service.


Mobile Phone Insurance UK


I've just been through the same installation problem with a new customer for the
nth time, and it's time to speak out about the cause, which is (you guessed it) the

Aaron, a good friend in the US, just bought a shiny new Samsung t809 on a plan
from T-Mobile, a relatively internet-savvy US carrier (relatively speaking anyway.) We
went through setting up bluepulse, and it went beautifully until he'd installed it on
his phone and launched the bluepulse client.

The bluepulse client was unable to access the internet, and Aaron said the Opera
browser he'd installed couldn't get internet access either. I knew right away what it
was: old internet settings installed on the phone.

People ask, "what's the most common problem you face getting bluepulse installed
on people's phones?" They expect you to say "handset compatibility" since getting
most apps to run on a wide range of phones is the biggest problem for most

But no, we're miles ahead on that front: bluepulse supports so many handsets
(definitely more than 250, likely approaching 300 now) and our web server is smart
enough that it can compile a custom version of the client for your phone in most

The biggest problem we have is a problem many mobile app developers never get to
face: getting the correct carrier internet settings installed on the customer's

See, even relatively-savvy carriers like T-Mobile are quite lousy when it comes to
customer communications. When some proxy server admin guy makes a change to
the internet gateway somewhere deep in the bowels of your carrier's data centre,
how many levels of middle management do you suppose that news needs to filter
through before it ever reaches a customer?

The correct answer is: too many levels for the news to ever reach a customer.

Of course, the admin guy is unlikely to change anything that will block access to any
of the services installed on the carrier's default 'deck', but any other services you
might be accessing from your phone? Someone else's problem.

To employ a desktop internet analogy: it's as if your ISP requires you to access the
internet via their proxy servers, and won't give you reliable access to any internet
services not featured on their homepage. Very Web circa 1995 - the kind of attitude
AOL and CompuServe used to have towards the rest of the internet. And history tells
us AOL only just wizened up in time; CompuServe never did.

The good news is; getting the latest internet settings installed on your phone is only
as painful as ringing your carrier's tech support line, waiting on hold because
"you're a valued customer" for long enough to speak to a person, and then asking
them; "Please send your latest internet settings to my phone".

To be absolutely sure, ask them for updated settings for "internet, MMS, and WAP"
since carriers often maintain different settings for each.

You'll get a notification on your phone when the settings arrive a few seconds later,
and your phone will ask you if you want to install the new settings. Say 'OK' to them

It's usually a good idea to turn your phone off for a second or two and then back on
(in the same way it's a good idea to reboot your desktop when you install an
update). Some carriers may also ask you to send one MMS to a standard carrier
address to verify the settings have been installed correctly.

Once you've done that, you should be ready to rock, jive, even jitterbug a little, with
bluepulse. And Opera Mini, and the whole rest of the dang internet (sheesh!)

Alan Jones is VP, Q&A for - a Mobile 2.0 startup. Bluepulse
provides a free mobile internet client for >250 handsets and a free mobile widget
developer platform.


I've just been through the same installation problem with a new customer for the
nth time, and it's time to speak out about the cause, which is (you guessed it) the

Aaron, a good friend in the US, just bought a shiny new Samsung t809 on a plan
from T-Mobile, a relatively internet-savvy US carrier (relatively speaking anyway.) We
went through setting up bluepulse, and it went beautifully until he'd installed it on
his phone and launched the bluepulse client.

The bluepulse client was unable to access the internet, and Aaron said the Opera
browser he'd installed couldn't get internet access either. I knew right away what it
was: old internet settings installed on the phone.

People ask, "what's the most common problem you face getting bluepulse installed
on people's phones?" They expect you to say "handset compatibility" since getting
most apps to run on a wide range of phones is the biggest problem for most

But no, we're miles ahead on that front: bluepulse supports so many handsets
(definitely more than 250, likely approaching 300 now) and our web server is smart
enough that it can compile a custom version of the client for your phone in most

The biggest problem we have is a problem many mobile app developers never get to
face: getting the correct carrier internet settings installed on the customer's

See, even relatively-savvy carriers like T-Mobile are quite lousy when it comes to
customer communications. When some proxy server admin guy makes a change to
the internet gateway somewhere deep in the bowels of your carrier's data centre,
how many levels of middle management do you suppose that news needs to filter
through before it ever reaches a customer?

The correct answer is: too many levels for the news to ever reach a customer.

Of course, the admin guy is unlikely to change anything that will block access to any
of the services installed on the carrier's default 'deck', but any other services you
might be accessing from your phone? Someone else's problem.

To employ a desktop internet analogy: it's as if your ISP requires you to access the
internet via their proxy servers, and won't give you reliable access to any internet
services not featured on their homepage. Very Web circa 1995 - the kind of attitude
AOL and CompuServe used to have towards the rest of the internet. And history tells
us AOL only just wizened up in time; CompuServe never did.

The good news is; getting the latest internet settings installed on your phone is only
as painful as ringing your carrier's tech support line, waiting on hold because
"you're a valued customer" for long enough to speak to a person, and then asking
them; "Please send your latest internet settings to my phone".

To be absolutely sure, ask them for updated settings for "internet, MMS, and WAP"
since carriers often maintain different settings for each.

You'll get a notification on your phone when the settings arrive a few seconds later,
and your phone will ask you if you want to install the new settings. Say 'OK' to them

It's usually a good idea to turn your phone off for a second or two and then back on
(in the same way it's a good idea to reboot your desktop when you install an
update). Some carriers may also ask you to send one MMS to a standard carrier
address to verify the settings have been installed correctly.

Once you've done that, you should be ready to rock, jive, even jitterbug a little, with
bluepulse. And Opera Mini, and the whole rest of the dang internet (sheesh!)

Alan Jones is VP, Q&A for - a Mobile 2.0 startup. Bluepulse
provides a free mobile internet client for >250 handsets and a free mobile widget
developer platform.


Futuristic handsets that can double up as digital cameras or video recorders are currently in great demand. People are very much enthusiastic about acquiring the latest mobile phones that are highly versatile in their capabilities, apart from being sleek and presentable in the way they are designed. The Sony Ericsson k800i brown scores well in both these sectors. An excellent camera mobile, a third generation (3g) phone, a sleek handset with advanced features – all these phrases could be used to describe the different aspects of this multi-faceted handset.

The imaging options inherent in the Sony k800i brown are exemplary, to say the least. As a matter of fact, the mobile phone can be used as a Cyber-shot™ digital camera. A 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus, built-in xenon flash and image and video stabilizer function is integrated into the handset. The xenon flash creates real photographic light, even when the conditions are far from optimal. Specialized features such as BestPic™ ensure impressive images, each time and every time.

The Sony k800i brown can be connected to PictBridge compliance printer using a USB cable to get printouts of the images captured. One could also share the images and video clips with friends, family and colleagues as multimedia messages or through Bluetooth connectivity – at the click of a button.

Another area in which the k800i mobile from Sony Ericsson is highly impressive is its capability for high speed internet access. Because of its 3g functionality, the Sony k800i brown mobile phone can be used as a gateway to a world of information and entertainment on the web. Apart from browsing the internet, the handset can also be used for downloading multimedia content, making video calls and photo blogging. An integrated music player and advanced FM radio options enhance the scope for mobile entertainment. One could, for instance, listen to music, while searching for information on the internet.

Sony k800i brown

Here are some latest Mobile Deals on Mobile Phone Shop .


A futuristic mobile phone with innovative features – that is the way the Samsung E900 can be best described. Through its unique design and functionality, the E900 phone from Samsung has been one of the latest handsets to have imparted cutting-edge mobility to the telecommunications domain.

This ultra–slim mobile comes in a slide open design. Open it and you would be immediately attracted to the touch-screen keypad. Venture further and you would get acquainted with the multimedia features and the business functions, which are a part of this sophisticated mobile phone – features that would leave you totally mesmerized. The user interface is intuitive, so maneuvering through the Samsung E900is never a problem.

The handset comes with a 2 megapixel camera with flash and 4x digital zoom; one can use the imaging options of the Samsung E900 mobile phone to capture the special moments from the kaleidoscope of one’s life, which more often than not, tend to come unannounced. Quality of the images, so taken, are highly impressive, to say the least. A CMOS image sensor is in place, which makes the camera options comparable to that of some of the most dedicated digital cameras. One can also capture self images – a small mirror by the camera lens makes this possible.

There is enough space to store all the images as well as video clips. With 80 MB of built-in memory as well as additional storage via Micro SD cards, phone users can carry quite a large number of their favorite images, music files and other content with them. Not only that, they can also share the same with compatible mobile handsets of their friends and family members.

The Samsung E900 looks good, performs brilliantly and consequently has captured the imagination of people from diverse parts of the world. People with an active interest in photography, for instance, are using its cutting-edge imaging capabilities to realize their dreams and aspirations.

Samsung E900

Alice Erin is a Platinum Author. He has written good quality articles on Mobile Phones .

Here are some Mobile Deals on Mobile Phone Shop .


The LG U890 mobile phone is a sleek and highly attractive mobile phone with a smooth clamshell opening mechanism. The 68MB of internal memory is complete with a TransFlash memory card. You can use the expandable memory to store music, photos & video. The photo ID feature creates a personal feel to each contact in your phone book. The built in 1.3 megapixel digital camera allows you to take shots from all angles. The integrated flash ensures that you capture a good shot even in duller environments. You can select multi shot options which allows you to capture nine continuous shots. You can store all your treasured photos in the photo album.

The quad-band phone supports MP3, AAC, MPEG4 formats for music playback. We can say that the U890 has a good range of features you’d expect from a high spec 3G phone. Highlights of features include a 1.3 megapixel camera with flash and video camera, plus high quality internal and external displays. It is an excellent music player device offering enhanced support for music playback, with support for MP3, AAC, Enhanced AAC+, AMR and WAV formats, dedicated exterior music buttons and plenty of memory in the form of a TransFlash memory card.

The LG U890 also supports stereo music via Bluetooth, which lets you can listen to music wirelessly in full stereo with a pair of compatible headphones.The phone comes with Java technology which allows the user to play exciting 3D games. The text messaging service comes with predictive text input providing a quick & easy input method. You can create, send & receive messages containing text, sound & photos to any multimedia compatible device. Overall, we can say that the LG U890 is the latest 3G handset is a joy to hold.
LG U890

Caitlin Lucy is the webmaster of and specializing in the different field
of polyphonic ringtones, mobile phone games and mobile phone wallpapers and mobile phone, mobile deals, Mobile phones


Just recently Ipsos released the findings of their study "The face of the web."

We learn that 28% of all mobile users have used their mobile to access the internet, 52% have sent a text message and 36% have sent or received email.

Mobile penetration across the globe is (relatively) high, apart from the US and Canada where ownership by household is 75% and 60% respectively. In east Asia this figure is over 90% and Western Europe 80%. Furthermore there is a correlation between those who access the internet and those that own a mobile.

This week we have the announcement that Paypal is to start a mobile payment service. This means that 105 million Paypal subscribers will now be able to [a] purchase and [b] send money to other using their mobile - instantly. This is a powerful offering.
Imagine you're opening a new store or restaurant perhaps and want to reduce capital expenditure on costly registers, a safe etc. Here's your answer.

Given that most of us are now as good as surgically attached to our mobiles, what is the future for credit cards?

Anna Pollock said in 2003 that from the moment we wake up we are all consumers, we just need the process of consuming made easy. It doesn't get much easier than this.

Instant, mobile purchasing - The Future for Consumers.

We need more from our mobiles though.
Why can't recruitment agencies automatically send me a text message when they have a vacancy that fits my profile?

Why can't delivery companies send me a text message with the status of my international shipment?

Why can't I send a text message to order a cab and it will come and pick me up from wherever I am (read wherever my mobile is)?

Why don't Canadian schools send a mass text message to all parents when a "snow day" is declared and school is off?

About the Author

My background and experience is mainly project management within diverse environments such as large corporate financial institutions, medium-sized technology consultancies and smaller start-ups. Having held positions including Operations Director (COO) and Head of Process Management, I have now left corporate life…the entrepreneurial side of my character is prevailing.

My focus is on becoming an “Un-natural Entrepreneur”. I want to work with people and companies that have vision. I can offer key values and skills to help bring your ideas to fruition. If you are a “starter”, then I am your “finisher”. My approach to a challenge is to clarify, understand, problem-solve, develop and deliver.

To take an idea or concept through from its inception to its execution requires a consultative approach - a partnership. I am a rational and pragmatic thinker and can work within an existing management structure, or create a new management team through my extensive network.


Mobile phones from LG are turning out to be the latest fashion accessory for tech-savvy people with a sense of style. In many instances, the LG mobile phones have set new benchmarks in mobile fashion. There have been concomitant advances in features and capabilities of LG handsets and mobile phone models such as the LG KG920 and LG KG800 have become highly popular among stylish phone users, both in the UK, as well as in other regions of the globe.

We can take the case of the LG KG920 to illustrate our point. The LG KG920 is a multimedia phone with advanced imaging options. And the handset is designed in an imaginative manner to reflect this duality of its personality. When viewed from one side, the LG KG920 looks like a mobile handset model with a music player; from the other side, it resembles a professional digital camera. With a thickness of 18mm and a compact and innovative design, the LG KG 920 is definitely making heads turn.

The LG KG800, which is often referred to as the Chocolate phone, is another handset with a lot of aesthetic appeal. The name of this mobile phone model should be a sufficient indicator to the uniqueness in its design. For the uninitiated, it can be mentioned that the LG KG800 is available in a compact and stylish design, complete with a touch sensitive navigation and a hidden display. And the fact that this LG mobile phone is equipped with an mp3 music player, a multi-megapixel digital camera and a high resolution LCD screen makes it even more desirable.

Any person interested in these and other models of LG mobile phones can quite easily acquire the same, thanks to attractive contract deals offered by network operators and service providers. It can be said that the LG mobile phones are truly redefining the parameters of style. And with stylish handsets such as the LG KG800 or the LG KG920 mobile phone becoming accessible, it has become relatively easy to make a lasting impression on friends and even complete strangers.

Get some of the best contract mobile phones and mobile phone deals on latest LG KG920 on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone network. To compare and buy the cheapest contract deals on other LG phones, please visit the site.


According to the results of a survey conducted recently, over 45 million text messages are sent in the UK every single day. This data is enough to underline the growing significance of mobile phone usage and more specifically, mobile phone text messages in modern life.

Many of the small businesses are opening up to the potential uses of mobiles; more and more of these ventures are harnessing the different features of mobile phones to enhance the scope of their activities as well as to improve their profitability.

For instance, we can take the short messaging service (SMS) feature of mobile phones as a case in point, which is now being used precisely for this purpose. Messages are being sent on mobile phones, as an effective means of advertisement.

Once the target group of consumers is identified for a particular product or service, it becomes easy to send text messages dealing with the features of the products or services in question.

Most mobile phone handsets from Nokia, Samsung or LG for instance, are equipped with the latest in technology that enables a person to send a single text message to multiple users. In instances, when the mailing list is quite large, small businesses can also use specialized software on their personal computers, to send out text messages to a larger number of recipients.

However, there are certain rules and regulations in this area; and businesses could do well to remain within the constraints of these regulations when undertaking an advertisement campaign based on SMS. Another constraint is that of the number of characters that can be send in a particular message. The text messages used in such campaigns would have to be limited within 160 characters. Thus, businesses have to balance their need to express all the information that they want consumers to know, with the limitations of this specific constraint.

In addition, special companies and firms, capable of handling mobile marketing or mobile campaigning for business ventures, have come up with time. Therefore as a small business, you could do well for yourselves to hire their specialized services for your products. The benefits are obvious. You get to reach a large section of mobile users and are sure to make an impact on their minds with your specific product or particular form of service in question.


The best mobile phone of the autumn 2004, Nokia 6230i is perfect for all the lives you lead. This phone is the successor of the highly popular Nokia 6230 and features a far higher resolution 1.3 mega pixel cameras that can be used to capture video or stunning 1280 x 1024 images. The Nokia 6230i is a fantastic all in one device that can also be used to play MP3s, run Java applications and surf the internet.

The Nokia 6230i mobile phone is a well equipped multimedia phone with sufficient multimedia functions, an integrated video player for download and playback. The phone also features an integrated speakerphone for convenient communication and supports voice dialing, voice commands and recording. Send messages with text, videos, photos, record and send memos, conversations and sound clips and use instant messaging.

An advanced multimedia player for editing and viewing content or creating slide shows is also available. You can take photos with the integrated VGA camera or camcorder and send them to friends and family through the Nokia 6230i. The phone also features Bluetooth technology for seamless and fast wireless connections. The phone book can store up to 2000 contacts, with multiple numbers and text entries per contact. To see who is calling, you can attach a picture to a contact in the phone book and synchronize your phone book, calendar and to-do list with your PC using Nokia 6230 PC Suite. FM radio is also included which features a Digital Music player for AAC/MP3 music formats with an MMC card for easy storage.

The call management features include Automatic redial for a maximum of 10 times, Call waiting, call hold, call divert, Speed dialing up to 9 numbers, Last number redial from dialed calls list, Caller identification with image and Conference call with up to 5 callers.

In all, the Nokia 6230i would be a positive purchase and it has an assured success in future.

For More details please visit a site: Mobile Phones


Chances are there 2 different routes to buying you next contract mobile phone. The first one is a retail establishment and the second online off the Internet, both of these options suit a different type of shopper.
The first option of buying your next phone from a shop, suits someone who does not know much about mobile phones or and impulse buy. The benefits are having a trained assistant tell you about the phone, show you how it works the monthly costs, and if there is a problem a personal contact to return to.

The second option is the Internet where you can order you phone online at anytime of day; anywhere where there in Internet access and in some cases have it delivered the next day. There are benefits from both ways, but there is one major benefit that clearly suits buying online and that is, it is very rare that you will get a better deal in a shop than online. In fact if you look hard enough we are not talking about a few pounds but substantial money. That is because their overheads are lower; not paying commission to salespeople and most online firms only has one unit rather than hundreds around the country. If you are unsure about your next phone, visit the shops, see what you like but before you commit, check it out online. My next bit of advice is to check out the spec of the phone. It seems like an obvious statement but last year I upgraded my phone to the newer model. It seemed like a good idea as I had liked my previous phone and the newer model was more up to date. After a few months I decided to look at the improved spec of my new phone just to find it had a better camera in it that the last. As I never use the camera in my phone and use a separate digital camera, it then became apparent that my upgrade was unnecessary. The killer for me was, had I kept my existing phone my line rental would have been 75% cheaper than the new phone. A while ago, upgrades went from having black and white screens to colour or monotone to polyphonic ring tones. But in recent times the advances have not been so great, so make sure that upgrade really is worth the money. In fact if you look hard enough you can find contract mobile phone deals that give you back your line rental over the year to make your phone affectively free. These phone are modern, have colour screens, WAP, polyphonic ring tones the only difference is they are not the latest model.

So to summarise, if you see a phone you like in a shop, take a breath and compare it to the same phone online. I am sure there will be an exception somewhere but my experience is, it will be cheaper online. Then make sure you know what the phone does, if you don’t need it, then why pay for it. Of course there will be some of you who will want the latest model for no other reason than it is the latest model and that’s ok. There are some of you who will still buy in a shop, but at least you have had the choice.

Mark is webmaster for Mobile Phone Deals and U Switch and Retail Consultant


Cellular czar Nokia adds another feather to its cap with the launch of Nokia 6233. It’s Nokia’s smallest 3G phone till date, with sophisticated and sleek stainless steel finish and a soft-matte backing. However, Nokia describes the design of the phone to be in sync with the corporate life, yet its outstanding multimedia features make it an eye candy for all. The phone weighs 110g and is slightly heavier than most other phones. But for a 3G phone, it’s a chinless wonder!

The phone has an inbuilt 2 megapixel camera with 8x digital zoom. In terms of connectivity, Bluetooth and infrared adorn this sleek gadget to make it compatible with wireless headsets, Bluetooth car-kits, and other phones as well. But sadly, it doesn’t fit into old hardwired car-kit cradle and so it’s recommended to get the new CR-56 mobile holder.

To ask for more, the phone is adorned by latest messaging, browsing, music and video standards. The Nokia 6233 has a brilliant 320 x 240 QVGA display, 262k colour TFT LCD, WCDMA 2100 MHz, GSM 900/1800/1900, downloadable games, videos, MP3 or AAC ringtones and microSD memory card support of upto 2 GB. The advantage of 'Active Standby Mode' gives you quick access to the frequently used applications.

The phone shoots excellent quality VGA video and quality still pictures. The phone also has flight mode, a recent addition to Nokia mobile phones, which facilitates you to use all the non call-related features whilst on a flight. Keeping in mind the size, this phone offers excellent 3G compatibility. But sadly unlike all other 3G phones, it lacks video calling feature.

The phone is available in two colours, black and silver. Overall, the performance is good. You may get the best deals on Nokia 6233 at 3mobileshop.

Nokia 6233

Buy Nokia 6233 From Mobile Rainbow with networks like Orange, 3, Vodafone and O2.


A new age in telecommunications began with the ringing of the first mobile phones. The concept of a ‘mobile telecommunications device,’ which enabled people to remain connected even when they were on the move, was innovative, to say the least. However, scientists and technical experts were not ones to rest on their laurels. Research and developmental efforts were conducted to improve the look, efficiency and reliability of the first generation mobile phones.

With time, better and more versatile mobile phone handsets supported by innovative networking technology evolved for commercial use. As of now, Samsung mobile phones have emerged as one of the more popular brands of mobile handsets in the global market. And the Samsung X820 is one of the more “in-demand” mobile phone handsets from Samsung.

The Samsung X820 mobile phone has got the looks to captivate phone users. The design of the handset is ergonomic. Made of fiber-glass infused plastic, the Samsung X820 mobile phone is also highly durable. With a functional keypad and an intuitive user interface, using this handset is a breeze! Another unique feature of the Samsung X820 mobile phone is its ultra-slim profile. With a profile of 6.9 mm, it is one of the thinnest mobile phones in the world at present.

The Samsung X820 mobile phone comes with advanced features such as document viewer and TV-output function. The handset is specially suited to cater to the needs of working professionals, who can use these features to make great presentations.

The Samsung X820 is equipped with an in-built music player capable of playing MP3, AAC and WMA files and an integrated 2 megapixel camera; these features ensure that the phone users are not disappointed when it comes to living it up! Owners of this sophisticated handset can use the inherent imaging capabilities to capture life’s special moments, which have a tendency to come unannounced. They can also listen to their favourite music tracks and add an element of fun in their lives. They can download polyphonic ringtones, Java games and customize their handsets according to their personality traits. This Bluetooth enabled handset comes with 80 MB of memory. This means that there is ample space to store all the images and music files.

And the best part is that the Samsung X820 mobile phone is now available on contract in the UK. Leading network operators are offering attractive Samsung x820 deals. Thanks to these deals and offers, innovative mobile phone handsets such as the Samsung X820 have become quite accessible to a wider section of mobile phone users, in the UK, as well as in some other parts of the world.

Find Samsung X820 contract phone


Ingeniously packed with some amazing features, the Nokia 3250 presents itself as an alternative to the fabulous N91. Though not as amazing as the later, it still presents an array of fabulous features packed into a dynamically structured body of dimensions 103.8 x 50 x 19.8 mm and weighing around 115 grams.

It twirls with grace, can play around a 300 songs, is Nokia`s first contender in the range of smart phones that too in the colour black, and has a wide range of programmes and features integrated into one.

The display of the handset is a usual bright and crisp regular Nokia variety with 256k colours and the size of the display screen being 176x208 pixels, 35x41 mm. The phone supports format like the one Mp3 and eAAC but do not, the WMA format. It comes with a memory of 10 MB, which certainly posses issue; it being a walk man phone! This problem is compensated for; by the available micro SD card expansion slots, which are capable for accommodating up to 1 GB data within

The camera of the phone though is not equipped with amazing features like that of the N91- Carl Zeisses optic and auto focus but still is able to do a reasonable job with superb still shots. The video shot by it are however very poor in resolution with a 176x144 pixels resolution.

The list of features does not just stop here. The phone has a talk-time battery life of up to three hours where as a standby life of up to 245 hours. The operating system that it functions on is the Symbian OS v91, Series 60 rel.3.0 and supports browsers like WAP 2.0/ HTML, HTML. The USB port is a Pop-Port and GPRS class 10(4+1/3+2 slots), 32-48 kbps. In addition, it holds a polyphonic (64 channel) and an MP3.

The phone caters to a huge segment of the markets that rely on Nokia for providing an affordably alternate to the N91 and yet be as effective.

Nokia 3250

Buy nokia mobile phones on latest mobile phone deals from best mobile phone shop uk.


Sony Ericsson is a joint venture company between Sony and Ericsson. Sony is expert in providing core technologies like LCD displays, audio and digital photography. Sony is always famous for high quality and innovative design. Ericsson brings with them the years of mobile phone experience with them. The invention of mobile phones and Ericsson is closely related. The joint venture is just poised to be a winning combination. Sony Ericsson is all set to splash the mobile market. Those days are not very far when Sony Ericsson will dominate the mobile world.

With the initial hiccups and inconsistent models, Sony Ericsson has rectified its flaws and undoubtedly, Sony Ericsson mobile phones are rated very highly now.

Sony Ericsson W 550i mobile phone reviews

Like S770i, the Sony W550i is swivel action phone. The W 550i is another walkman branded phone from Sony Ericsson. The W550i is available in three colours –orchid white, vibrant orange and universal blue. All these mobile phones come with changeable colours. The phone is easy to open and you will find free access to the entire keypad. Even if it is closed you can access menu and play games. Some of the noted features are as follows:

• FM radio with RDS

• 1.3 mega pixel camera with 4x digital zoom , photo light and picture editor

• Video camera with video DJ video editing software

• Sound recorder

• Messaging : SMS,MMS,EMS, instant messaging, email

• Speakerphone

• Animated wallpaper and screensaver

• Picture phonebook

• 3Dgames : Embedded and downloadable


• Triband

• Vibration alert

• XHTML browser

• Connectivity : Bluetooth, USB and infrared modem

• Talk time : 8 hours

• Battery standby : 375 hours

• Weight : 120 g

Sony Ericsson is poised to lead the mobile market in years to come because it has all the recipe to add the flavours

Barber Wise is the webmaster of, a site specializing in the different genres of mobile Phones, including nokia mobile phone, Motorola Phones, AMOI Mobile Phones, LG Mobile Phones, Sony Ericsson Phones, Samsung Phones etc.


Sleek and compact--the Samsung D900 is the slimmest slider phone in the world. The perfect style and the elegant features make this handset an incredible one. The slide opening mechanism makes it more user-friendly. This phone conceals all the features including 3.15 mega-pixel digital camera, music player, WAP, Bluetooth and lots more.

The Samsung D900 with TFT 256k colour screen makes it easy to display photos, videos and texts very clearly. Take a shoot—the Samsung D900 mobile phone comes with a high quality digital camera (3.15 mega-pixel), auto focus and with macro function. These features ensure that the picture quality will be perfect. Share your skills and your innovative ideas with your friends through MMS.

Music for all—the handset also offers built-in music player to enjoy your favourite music all the time. You can also download your choice of music, photos, java games, etc., in your phone with 60MB built-in memory plus MicroSD memory card to expand the storage capacity.

The Samsung D900 is also integrated with office tools that include Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc., a complete office tool to manage the data in a better way. Access data in different formats, attach heavy files through the internet or download it. What else, the EDGE effect provides fast and efficient data transfer possible. Organize your professional world wherever you go.

Go wireless with Bluetooth. This advance technology allows the user to transfer data, receive calls, and enjoy music etc., without using a wire. You can also transfer data from your pone to a PC via USB cable. Now with quad band network, you can stay connected anywhere in the world as the network automatically changes the bands.

The sleek and compact mobile phone weighs only 85g and 12.9mm wide which is very easy to carry. This Samsung mobile phone has everything to bring a smile on your face.

Mobile Phones

Buy Samsung D900 mobile phone from uk leading phone shop with Orange, T, O2, Virgin and Vodafone mobile phone networks.