Cellular czar Nokia adds another feather to its cap with the launch of Nokia 6233. It’s Nokia’s smallest 3G phone till date, with sophisticated and sleek stainless steel finish and a soft-matte backing. However, Nokia describes the design of the phone to be in sync with the corporate life, yet its outstanding multimedia features make it an eye candy for all. The phone weighs 110g and is slightly heavier than most other phones. But for a 3G phone, it’s a chinless wonder!

The phone has an inbuilt 2 megapixel camera with 8x digital zoom. In terms of connectivity, Bluetooth and infrared adorn this sleek gadget to make it compatible with wireless headsets, Bluetooth car-kits, and other phones as well. But sadly, it doesn’t fit into old hardwired car-kit cradle and so it’s recommended to get the new CR-56 mobile holder.

To ask for more, the phone is adorned by latest messaging, browsing, music and video standards. The Nokia 6233 has a brilliant 320 x 240 QVGA display, 262k colour TFT LCD, WCDMA 2100 MHz, GSM 900/1800/1900, downloadable games, videos, MP3 or AAC ringtones and microSD memory card support of upto 2 GB. The advantage of 'Active Standby Mode' gives you quick access to the frequently used applications.

The phone shoots excellent quality VGA video and quality still pictures. The phone also has flight mode, a recent addition to Nokia mobile phones, which facilitates you to use all the non call-related features whilst on a flight. Keeping in mind the size, this phone offers excellent 3G compatibility. But sadly unlike all other 3G phones, it lacks video calling feature.

The phone is available in two colours, black and silver. Overall, the performance is good. You may get the best deals on Nokia 6233 at 3mobileshop.

Nokia 6233

Buy Nokia 6233 From Mobile Rainbow with networks like Orange, 3, Vodafone and O2.